Graduate Student Bios

Learn about the amazing current graduate students we have in our graduate program as well as some of our recent alumni.

Click on any of their names to visit their LinkedIn profiles and connect with them as well.

Our Current Cohort

Ha Thu Hoang

Ha Thu Hoang headshot

Growing up in Vietnam, I've cultivated a strong appreciation for the country's rich heritage and the endless opportunities it offers, driven by its dynamic economy and diverse history. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Communication from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and a Master's Degree in Management of radio, television, and electronic network newspapers from the Academy of Journalism and Communication at Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, my academic journey laid a strong foundation in media management, journalism, and public relations. Upon graduation, my connection with academia persisted as I became a lecturer in Communications and Presentation Skills at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. I believe that studying at JMS will offer me a unique opportunity to learn about Mass Communication theory from a Western point of view as well as gain a deeper understanding of these differences and learn how to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far? 
A: I am very excited about the opportunity to learn from experienced professors and collaborate with fellow students who share my passion for communication at JMS.

Our Recent Alumni

Johnny Coronel

headshot of Johnny Coronel

I’m an active duty officer in the Marine Corps currently fortunate enough to be in the Public Affairs Officer program here at the School of Journalism and Media Studies. Before coming here, I spent the better part of the past five years stationed in Okinawa, Japan. I’m excited to be part of the program here and to work alongside some other fantastic Public Affairs Officers. I’m looking forward to doing research on Marine Corps communication efforts in support of recent changes in the Corps.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: The people — I’ve met so many talented communicators among my fellow students and faculty, who have all taught me a lot.

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Rob Reinheimer

headshot of Rob Reinheimer

I am an active duty officer in the Navy, so I was stationed in Japan and working for Submarine Group 7 prior to coming to the grad program. As a Navy Public Affairs Officer, I write news stories on the Navy, respond to reporters' questions and provide vital insight and guidance to top-level Navy decision-makers. I am looking to study mass communication theory and research methods while in the graduate program.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: I have enjoyed being surrounded by and learning from my thoughtful and intelligent fellow students. I've also enjoyed the JMS professors whose passion for teaching makes learning more enjoyable.

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Nick Cline

headshot of Eric Frost

I am a Marine officer of over 10 years, husband and father. My adventures have taken me across the globe working alongside many foreign militaries. I am excited to be part of the JMS program to continue my professional growth and development.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: Developing a deeper understanding of theory and its application to PR in the workplace, and learning from peers with a wide range of experiences.

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John Mike

headshot of John Mike

I am originally from St. Paul, Minnesota, and have worked in Navy public affairs for nearly 17 years. I started as a technician writing press releases, taking photos and creating video products. For almost 10 years, I have been a Public Affairs Officer, spending the past three years in Coronado, California, leading communication for West Coast Navy EOD units. Currently, I am a full-time graduate student working on a Master's in Mass Communication and Media Studies.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: The people are the best part about the SDSU program. I study with students from around the world, and the staff has a variety of experiences to share with us.

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Jarred Reid-Dixon

headshot of Jarred Reid-Dixo

I am a Public Affairs Officer for the United States Navy who most recently worked on a Naval warship with the Marine Corps and deployed to the South China Sea. I am looking to study Mass Communication and Public Relations in order to bring that knowledge back to my service.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: Interacting with international and civilian students.

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Jessica Arguelles

headshot of Jessica Arguelles

I am a digital marketer specializing in paid media and integrated marketing campaigns. My background in retail, e-commerce, and non-profit organizations has provided me with a well-rounded understanding of the marketing process, including content strategy, campaign reporting, and experimentation. Prior to beginning graduate school, I attended University of California, San Diego and completed my Bachelor of Arts in Communication. Throughout this program, I am hoping to expand upon my interest in multicultural marketing and contribute to effective advertising strategies for all identities.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: I have enjoyed the ability to incorporate my interests into my class projects and research. The JMS program offers unique courses that reflect up-to-date trends in mass communications fields. Because of this, I am able to have discussions on real-time trends as they become popularized.

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Eric Bohnenkamp

headshot of Eric Bohnenkamp

I am an active-duty Marine Corps Public Affairs Officer with just over 15 years of service. I have really enjoyed the last few months in an academic atmosphere dedicated to public relations theory and research. My goal is to identify best practices I can adopt from here and apply them to my military profession. 

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far? 
A: I have really enjoyed the mentorship from the awesome faculty at the School of Journalism and Media Studies.

James Adams

headshot of James Adams

I am a Navy Public Affairs Officer for nine years representing the Navy to members of the media and the public as well as providing public affairs counsel to Navy leaders. I am a graduate of Texas A&M University. He has been stationed in Tennessee, Japan, Hawaii, and Washington D.C. I am currently a student in the SDSU JMS Public Affairs Officers Program.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: I've enjoyed learning about all the theory and academic side of what I have already been applying in my career as a public affairs officer. Using the research planning methods I have learned here will allow me to succeed when I return to the fleet.

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Travis Callaghan

headshot of Travis Callaghan

I am a Public Affairs Officer in the U.S. Navy and am part of the JMS military cohort. I've lived and worked all over the world over the past 11 years, telling the Navy's story. I have experience in media relations, crisis response, and strategic communication planning. My goal in the graduate program is to increase my knowledge and understanding of public relations and improve as a practitioner as much as possible.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: I've enjoyed getting to know and work with all of my military and civilian classmates.

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Allison Gennette

headshot of Allison Gennette

I was born and raised in Thousand Oaks, CA., before moving to New Jersey where I attended Seton Hall University. I studied public relations and leadership, and worked as an intern at both a PR firm and with an influencer talent manager. I am currently studying Mass Communication and working on a thesis where I am looking at the phenomenon of "deinfluencing" on TikTok.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: I really like that you can tailor classes to your interests, since there are so many various avenues within the Mass Communication field. I am also a grad assistant so it is very fun and rewarding being able to teach undergrad students what I am passionate about as well!

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Nick Spaleny

headshot of Nick Spaleny

I'm a Public Affairs Officer in the Navy. I served in Bahrain the last three years and served aboard the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford prior to that. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Film, Video and Media Studies from Western Michigan University. I'm looking to learn more about public relations and mass communication in the SDSU graduate program.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: The wonderful JMS staff.

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Kristen Mauricio

headshot of Kristen Mauricio

I have been working in the public relations field for the last three years. I started off working with clients in the entertainment, fashion, and non-profit industries based in Los Angeles and New York City, and have ventured into the hospitality industry since moving to San Diego. While at SDSU, I am hoping to deepen my knowledge in mass communication, especially when it comes to diversity and inclusivity in the media.  My ultimate goal is to elevate my career in the public relations industry and become an impactful storyteller.

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far?
A: I have developed an interest in the research of minority representation in pop culture since joining the program. Having Dr. Nate as a professor has truly broadened my perspective in this realm of media!

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Lauren Spaziano

Laura's headshot

I am an active-duty naval officer and experienced communicator with over 13 years in public affairs. I have had the pleasure of leading strategic communication teams on three continents, with previous assignments including three years in Guam and two years in Italy. Most recently, I worked with the amphibious naval warships and the U.S. Marines, and it was an incredible learning experience. I am excited to be at San Diego State University's School of Journalism and Media Studies to advance my professional knowledge with great people!

Q: What have you enjoyed about the SDSU grad program so far? 
A: There is such a wide variety of people to interact with, and I have loved getting to know and learn alongside them. Our professors are so passionate and make every class a great experience!