Student Work

JMS Student Work

The SDSU School of Journalism and Media studies prioritizes real-world experiences that help students advance through their careers. Our students are not just learning about the media -- they are practicing it. This practice comes in many forms, including work done inside and outside of our courses. Scroll through this page to find examples of what our students are up to.

Solutions Journalism

In solutions journalism, students are trained not just to report on issues, but to also collaborate with community members to investigate resolutions appropriate for that community's specific problems. In the spring of 2024, students examined transit in San Diego.

Amor Magazine

For JMS's magazine course, students decided to launch Amor, a magazine focused on the contemporary arts scene at SDSU.

Broadcast News

Students in Television News Reporting & Producing shoot newscasts as part of their class. You can see some of their latest episodes by clicking below.

Community Journalism

In our journalism courses, students focus on the community to tell important stories that are often overlooked in the media. In this feature story, Owen Pratt examines the complicated history of lowriding.


Graduating student Ray Gorospe completed this profile piece as part of JMS's photojournalism course.

PR Capstone

When PR students embark on their capstone project, they take on real clients and do real work for them. Check out one of the latest campaign books for our PR capstone below, where the group worked with culture shock to increase awareness of this group.

Bilingual Reporting

One of our newest initiatives is to invest in bilingual reporting. Students in a recent journalism capstone course produced this multimedia project examining homelessness in El Centro.

Media Studies

Students in the media studies program produce content that analyzes media in all their forms. Recent projects from JMS 472 (Media, Technology and Society) include the following:

Advertising Capstone

Students in the capstone gain a comprehensive understanding of integrated marketing communications (IMC) concepts, user behavior, social media, big data and analytics, and digital media technologies such as AR, VR, and Metaverse. They apply these through a project, using real world companies to create a campaign book. Here is a recent example where the students applied their knowledge for Petco.

Community-Oriented Journalism

Students in the Spring 2023 journalism capstone course collaborated on a multimedia project focused on National City's fight for the future.

Multimedia Reporting

In the journalism capstone, students hone their skills using a variety of media. Check out some of the videos they have produced over the years below.