Dr. Mei Zhong

Associate Professor
PSFA Advisor for International Studies Minor
Mei Zhong ( Ph.D. 1996, Kent State University, OH), is associate professor in the School of Journalism and Media Studies, San Diego State University, CA. She also serves as the advisor for the International Studies Minor in the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts. She taught at Iowa State University, IA (1997-1999) and at Doane College, NE (1996-1997). She has served as vice president (2000-2001) and president (2001-2002) of the Association for Chinese Communication Studies, an affiliated organization of the National Communication Association in the United States. She has been involved in promoting international education for over 20 years; currently serve as faculty coordinator for several education exchange program between SDSU and Chinese universities.
Her research interests are in media and culture, cross-cultural interpersonal communication, with a focus on Chinese and Asian cultures and communication. She teaches courses in media and culture and international studies. She has published in academic books and journals such as the International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Howard Journal of Communications, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, Communication Studies, Journal of Intercultural Communication Studies, etc.