Raquel Tadlock

Campaign Alumni
Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations
Primary Email: rtadlock4969@sdsu.edu
Raquel Tadlock will graduate from San Diego State University with a degree in public relations in August 2023. She is minoring in international studies.
During the spring 2023 semester, Tadlock is supporting the Broom Center's 6th annual Allen H. Center Distinguished Lecture in Public Relations. She is part of the public relations team and developing the strategic campaign for the lecture.
She believes her time spent abroad in fall 2022 in Paris has helped her gain a more culturally diverse perspective that can be applied to her work in PR.
In summer 2022 she acted as a social media and communication intern for Kind Traveler, a sustainable traveling agency. She learned a lot about curating social media posts for a brand and the importance of building relationships with journalists during this role.