Ava Montgomery

Campaign Alumni
Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations
Primary Email: [email protected]
Ava Montgomery will graduate from San Diego State University with a degree in public relations in May 2023. She will have a minor in international studies.
Ava is on the spring 2023 public relations team for the Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations planning the 6th annual Allen H. Center Distinguished Lecture in Public Relations. Ava works in the research and messaging group for the Broom Center.
In the summer of 2023, she studied abroad in Uganda and Rwanda, studying peace and conflict resolution. During her studies, she conducted qualitative research on journalistic censorship in both countries.
She has interned at the National Conflict Resolution Center, was a blog contributor for PR Values and was a talk show host at KCR SDSU.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland and raised in Seattle, Washington, Ava is moving to Namibia after graduation for two years. She will be volunteering with the Peace Corps as a secondary English teacher.