Angus Hsieh

Campaign Alumni
Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations
Primary Email: [email protected]
Angus Hsieh will graduate from San Diego State University with a degree in public relations in May 2023.
Angus is on the spring 2023 public relations team for the Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations planning the 6th annual Allen H. Center Distinguished Lecture in Public Relations.
In addition to being a full time student at SDSU, he is a communications chief in the U.S Marine Corps Reserve. He operates and programs encrypted military radios, leads a team of radio operators and instructs courses on field radio operations for infantrymen.
Passionate about creating special, shared experiences through event planning, Angus serves as a philanthropy event coordinator for his fraternity, Delta Sigma Phi. He coordinated events such as a live concert fundraiser for the American Red Cross and a vintage thrift market fundraiser for the San Diego Rescue Mission.
Angus was born in Miaoli, Taiwan and moved to Thousand Oaks, California when he was 9 years old. He is planning to pursue a career in music or entertainment PR after graduation.