Dr. Noah Arceneaux

Area Head - Media Studies
Professor Noah Arceneaux has served as coordinator of the media studies program for several years. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in 2007 with a dissertation that examined the role of department stores during the early years of American broadcasting. In 2008, this work was named the best dissertation of the year by three national academic organizations.
His subsequent research has explored the social construction of new media technologies, including historical phenomena (such as wireless telegraphy) as well as emerging forms of mobile media. He has edited two anthologies of mobile phone studies, and he spent the Spring 2014 semester in India on a Fulbright-Nehru Research Grant. His project in India examined the government’s policy of spectrum allocation for mobile phones. He spent the summer of 2017 as a research fellow at the Bodleian Libraries of Oxford University, and conducted original research with the Marconi Archives.
Dr. Arceneaux’s research has been published in the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, American Journalism, New Media & Society, Technology & Culture, and Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. Prior to joining academia, Dr. Arceneaux produced websites for the ABC, CBS, and Fox television networks.